de facto policy of LGBT extermination continues
Tue, 12/29/2009 - 11:24 — AP
This from last week. I've honestly been too sad about it to post these things lately. Despite the title of this post, which can be considered a Durkheimian "social fact" by virtue of the statistics, it is actually much more likely that Renán, like Walter, was killed primarily for his non-violent resistance to fascism, and only secondarily for his sexual identity. Here you go:

From Artists in Resistance:
The compañero Renán Fajardo, 22 years old, photographer and painter graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts,compañero with the resistance, compañero with Artists in Resistance, was assassinated in his apartment.
Renán was beaten and tortured, and then strangled with a VHS cable.
Renán Fajardo had been diligently carrying out work in poor neighborhoods and barrios where he showed the videos he had taken during the massive acts of repression. Three weeks ago, they assassinated young people who collaborated with him in the logistics and organization of his screenings in the neighborhoods of Tegucigalpa y Comayagüela. As a core member of Artists in Resistance, we interpret his death as a direct attack on our organization.
This painful loss of a dedicated compañero artist shows the world that we are facing a murderous regime that will only get worse with the arrival of the Wolf Pepe [Pepe Lobo] and Oscar Alvarez.
This is an S.O.S., this information is another cry from a country condemned to oblivion by the International Community.
Our holidays have arrived.
El compañero Renán Fajardo, de 22 años, fotógrafo y pintor egresado de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, compañero de la Resistencia, compañero de Artistas en Resistencia, fue asesinado en su apartamento.
Renán fue golpeado y torturado, para luego ser ahorcado con un cable de VHS.
Renán Fajardo venía cumpliendo una labor de hormiga en barrios y colonias marginales donde mostraba sus videos tomados durante los actos masivos de represión. Hace unas tres semanas, asesinaron a jóvenes que colaboraban con él en la logística y organización de sus muestras en los barrios de Tegucigalpa y Comayagüela. Muy cercano al núcleo de Artistas en Resitencia, acusamos su muerte como un ataque directo a nuestra organización.
Esta dolorosa pérdida de un compañero artista comprometido le hace ver al mundo, que estamos ante un régimen asesino que no hará más que recrudecerse con la llegada del Lobo Pepe y Oscar Alvarez.
Este es un S.O.S., esta información es otro llamado desde un país condenado al olvido por la Comunidad Internacional.
Nuestras navidades llegaron.
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